Trip to the Mansions!
September 08 2016

The Location
Our timeless backdrop for this shoot was the amazing Rosecliff mansion on Bellevue Avenue Newport, RI. Commissioned by Nevada silver heiress Theresa (Tessy) Fair Oelrichs in 1899, it was designed to be like the Grand Trianon, the garden retreat at Versailles. Mrs. Oelrichs was known for hosting fabulously extravagant summer parties at this estate.
It was all about the timeless chokers as we created our own magical day at the mansion roaming around the stunning grounds under the most spectacular blue skies. We imagined all of the summer entertaining that had gone on since 1902 on this very spot where we had our photoshoot. The history of the choker style necklace goes back centuries in many cultures. We imagined our chokers at the very galas that took place on this picturesque landscape.
The Choker
In 1798 a red ribbon was worn around the neck as a sign of support during the French Revolution. It didn’t take long before the royals started wearing them in the 1800’s. Around 1874 the choker became popular with ballerinas and other women of high fashion. After that the trend spread quickly across the world as wearing them seemed to be a sign of wealth. The materials expanded to pearls, velvet, lace, diamonds and the fit had to be perfect.
This trend has been revived several times such as in 1944 when the name expanded to “dog collar” and most recently the 1990’s when everyone was wearing them styled from Goth to Princess. The chokers continue on with us in fashion today as we love the versatility and the individual statement we make when we wear them.
The Jewelry Bx has become choker central!
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