Stay Home. Stay Safe. Stay Cozy
March 24 2020

Another week into the Pandemic and we are less certain than ever where the end is and who will be effected. Eventually we will all know someone who has tested positive for Coronavirus, and now we are vigilantly standing by praying that caregivers and people inflicted get the medical supplies and support that they need. More and more of us are living in states or countries that are on complete shutdowns. Everyone has the new normal of social distancing themselves and sheltering in place. More than ever we need to be positive and find our calm. For some of us it is comforting to have our families with us during this difficult time, for others we are relying on Face time, emails, texting, group chats, in efforts to stay connected to family, friends, and co-workers. Important takeaway here is to find human connection.
Looking in on our neighbors or seniors we may know; keeping our younger children home schooled and comforted during these uncertain times, helping our older children cope and understand the complexity of the current times as they work hard for their independence. We answer the call to be supportive for all of our friends and family who have lost their jobs temporarily or worse yet permanently, or future planned events have been cancelled or postponed. Mental Health Care Professionals are on board supporting people and urging people to practice self care. We are all off our normal routines and that alone causes stress and uneasiness. Stress weakens our immune system and makes us more vulnerable to the virus. Safe physical movement, preparing healthy eats, and either reading or catching up on your favorite shows or movies, Spring cleaning?, we just started a puzzle we got for Christmas. In my adult household each one of us is responsible for making a dinner meal (Including dessert).
We are doing our best to support small businesses now more than ever. It seems the government will bail out the big companies and give loans to the small companies. Paying back loans for very small companies of the self employed will be difficult at best, for most of us those sales are gone and they are not coming back. Whether its our favorite Etsy vendor, or the local take out restaurant a little support goes a long way. This time of quarantine and estrangement will not last forever. As we continue to define and strengthen our brand of female empowerment, charitable acts, small business ethical practices, accompanied always by value to our customers, we remain positive. Positive that when we survive and move on from this we will bounce back recommitted to our brand and business. In the meantime we continue to work every day, balanced by also finding the time to take that walk to get fresh air, read that book I never had time to read, call that friend and check in on their well being, or clean that closet you've been avoiding, watching our favorite IG influencers or Hallmark Channel Movie. Most of us in our lifetime have said "I don't have time to do a personal task or two", well we have nothing but time now so go do it. You will feel better about life for a while....